B​odyw​orks Massage and Alternative Therapies
33 Langford St. Moe
(By appointment)
Heidi Schaefer - Proprietor of Bodyworks
Heidi Schaefer - Proprietor of Bodyworks
Bachelor of Education Maj. Physical Education (Monash) (2004)
Diploma of Remedial Massage
Lester Cox Technique Qualified
Remedial massage, postural analysis and correction
Injury prevention and rehabilitation / advice
Pre and post- surgical treatments / advice
Relaxation Massage
Pregnancy massage
Lymphatic drainage massage
Lester Cox Technique
Health, nutrition and fitness planning
(Heidi’s speciality is morbid obesity)
Professional interests:
Professional interests:
Biomechanical analysis
Injury prevention and management
Elite athlete sports science and fitness testing
Weight loss and fitness conditioning
Nutrition testing and coaching
Biomechanical and Cellular Fitness
Personal interests:
Personal interests:
Cycling, running, hiking, music, pets.
Heidi was born in Melbourne, was a dancer and was also terrible asthmatic. When her family moved to the country, this ailment cleared and with her new found set of lungs, Heidi began to pursue all things outdoorsy.
She was a member of the local swimming club, as well as an equestrian competitor for 28 years.
Heidi started competing in triathlons at age 10, and then through watching her own family members suffer from coronaries, she devoted her life and education to health and fitness. Her lifelong passion is to educate and pro- actively help others be educated and change their health using science, as well as alternative approaches where called for.
Heidi has been the recipient of remedial massage since she was about 10 when she started triathlons, so even from an early age, she understood the value of postural correction and muscle work.
She had a major knee reconstruction at the age of 17 as she was born with a badly deformed left knee and femur, so has a personal understanding of rehabilitation from orthopaedic surgery, which is one of her passions to help others with. Heidi has an excellent referral service for Orthopaedic surgery and also preventative measures in her skills and techniques.
Her devotion to health became a lifelong commitment. By the age of 18 she worked her way to university and studied a Batchelor of Sport with a major in Exercise Science, as well as a Bachelor of Education. This took her 6 years full time. Her massage training also started at this time, and Heidi was competing in pentathlons and triathlons for the next 17 years as well as training horses.
Whilst at university, Heidi’s favourite fascinations were anatomy and physiology, human movement and biomechanics, sports science as well as cellular biology and dissections. She has a fascination with the human body and the way it functions, and has devoted her life to her education and experience in order to help others.
Heidi worked as a Physical Education Teacher for several years. She enjoys educating others, and has taught many student teachers, as well as mentoring trainees in the health and fitness industries. She has worked for several years in a clinical hospital setting, working with cancer patients, dementia patients, stroke victims, orthopaedic patients, palliative care, urology patients, diabetes and cardiovascular patients. Heidi has worked administering medications and she has a very broad range of hands on knowledge and problem-solving abilities with health conditions. She works with your health care professionals.
Heidi has worked as an Exercise Physiologist doing personal training and has specialised in morbid obesity weight loss, as well as body composition testing, and training people for pre military entry protocol. Heidi also understands the science behind healthy weight loss and weight gain, and knows that it is not always a case of ‘eat less exercise more’ for some people, and the the basis is quite scientific.
Heidi now enjoys keeping fit and helping others reach their health goals in a holistic fashion. She has an excellent referral service to other professionals such as Orthopaedic Surgeons, Doctors, Alternative Therapists, Chiropractic and Osteo practitioners etc.
What she does at Bodyworks:
What she does at Bodyworks:
Heidi does Massage and exercise prescription to re align muscles, break down adhesions and get the joints moving through their full range of motion. This enables, recovery from chronic injuries, as well as being able to prevent other injuries, joint mal alignments, arthritis, tears and over use injuries from occurring.
Other modalities that Heidi practices are relaxation and stress relieving massage, pregnancy massage, lymphatic drainage massage and she is trained in the Leister Cox Technique. One of her areas of speciality is foot and lower leg problems such as Plantar Fasciitis.
She can read and interpret scans such as X-rays, CTs and MRIs and work directly with your doctor of specialist to get the best possible results for your body!
Heidi has a team of Remedial Massage Therapists, as well as Kinesiology, Hypnotherapy for quitting smoking and Counselling.