B​odyw​orks Massage and Alternative Therapies
33 Langford St. Moe
(By appointment)
Employment Opportunities
Employment Opportunities
Bodyworks has employment opportunities for alternative and allied health care professionals.
To enquire about employment please send resumes to: heidischaefer@dcsi.net.au
Room for Rent!
Available now- Beautifully appointed consultancy room for full time rent. All amenities included.
Also part time room rental (daily rates)
All enquiries to Heidi on: 0403582406
To view ad:
Bodyworks Massage and Alternative Therapies is currently looking for a Remedial Massage Therapist or Myotherapist.
Do you have a passion for Remedial Massage and assisting clients with multifaceted health conditions?
Enjoy working in a team environment with support from staff and management?
Would you like to work in beautifully appointed rooms with all equipment supplied?
Then this could be the job for you!
Key Selection Criteria:
A Diploma of Remedial Massage or Advanced Diploma of Myotherapy.
Private Health Provider numbers.
Own Insurance and Professional Registration.
Ability to think laterally and problem solve with clients of various needs.
Be highly effective in treating clients progressively.
Able to work as a team with excellent communication skills and presentation.
Basic computer skills.
Willingness to learn new things.
Be reliable and punctual.
So if you enjoy a team environment and think you would like to work for us then please send your resume to: heidischaefer@dcsi.net.au
We would love to hear from you!